The Effects of Dynamic Tape Global on Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness within the Hamstring Complex
Welch L
University of Chichester Institute of Sport, 2018.
This study investigated the effect of applying one piece of 5cm wide Dynamic Tape Global to resist knee extension (in order to reduce eccentric demand on the hamstrings) prior to a DOMS inducing eccentric loading protocol using the Cybex. Pressure Pain Thresholds, Muscle Girth and Range of Motion were measured. The procedure was repeated with taping on the contralateral limb the week later. Dynamic Taping was show to reduce/prevent the changes associated with DOMS that were exhibited in the untaped limbs.
This study only had 10 subjects and did not have a sham tape group who were taped in a lengthened position such that there was no deceleration of knee extension possible via the tape so it is not possible to say that the effect is due to a change in kinetics resulting from the external application of force resulting in a flexion moment at the knee.
A further, larger and more robust study to answer these questions and provide a clearer understanding of the mechanisms is planned however this study provides preliminary evidence that by contributing force with Dynamic Tape Global, sufficient reduction in work requirements resulted in the taped limb to prevent the onset of DOMS. This was also with only a single layer of 5cm tape. PowerBands or more comprehensive techniques might be indicated for muscle strains and tendinopathies to increase the amount of unloading, particular in transition stages during rehabilitation were an increase in rate of loading and magnitude of loading occur and re-injury risk is higher e.g. starting to kick a ball hard or increasing speed of running.
* Images have be reproduced with permission from the original study author