Entries by Ryan Kendrick

Does Dynamic Tape Global Alter Gait and Reduce Pain in Women with Greater Trochanteric Pain Syndrome?

A Double-Blind Randomised Controlled Trial Robinson N, Spratford W, Gaida J, Fearon A. Nicole Robinson recently won the ‘Best New Investigator Award’ from Sports Medicine Australia ACT, Australian Physiotherapy Association (ACT branch) ‘Best Student Paper’ and ‘Best Overall Paper’ for this well-conducted study that investigated the effect of Dynamic Taping on a Greater Trochanteric Pain […]

Clinical Reasoning When Taping Biomechanically Demonstrated In This Single Case Study Investigating Hip And Knee Taping For Dynamic Knee Valgus

The Problem 35-year-old male with 17-year history of left sided L3/4 nerve root compression resulting from disc protrusion. Managed conservatively and has intermittent pain but has had consistent weakness in quadriceps.   The Investigation: ViPerform motion analysis by DorsaVi was used to provide information regarding frontal plane and sagittal plane motion, more specifically magnitude and […]