Objectives of the course
On completion of the course, participants will:
– Be able to identify the indications/contraindications for the use of Dynamic Taping in a given case
– To know and be able to interpret the scientific basis of Dynamic
Taping, including the related sciences (physics, biomechanics and
physiology of pain) and the mechanical and physiological mechanisms of
action of Dynamic Taping.
– Be able to recognise the different degrees of tendinopathies (according to Cook & Purdham, 2009)
– Be able to identify conditions in which Dynamic Tape Global Global is indicated
– Recognise the significant differences in the physical properties
and methodology of Dynamic Taping, Kinesiology Taping and Rigid Sport
Taping and are able to independently design methods and applications
that optimise the effects of their treatment method using a combination
of these tapes.
– Can safely and effectively apply a range of commonly indicated Dynamic Taping techniques, including Power Band techniques.
– Based on their own clients’ individual needs, their self-assessment
and their own treatment plans, they will begin to develop their own
Dynamic Taping application techniques.