Dynamic Taping is grounded in


The aim of any application develops from an in-depth knowledge of the influence of load, positioning, a particular movement pattern or fear of movement on function, performance, pain and recovery/repair based on accurate assessment and sound clinical reasoning, interpretation and application of research across the relevant sciences.

  • Research specific to Dynamic Taping is emerging and is presented here. It is imperative that when reviewing literature relating to a product to ensure that the product is used in an appropriate and homogenous population (i.e. they all need the same application), is applied correctly and consistent with the methodology, and the outcome measures are also appropriate. In this way, the efficacy of the application for that population is evaluated rather than simply the poor quality of the methodology of the research project.
  • The below studies are a combination of independent published papers and preliminary investigations/thesis projects that have been sent to us as well as some in house studies that we have conducted to provide some direction to researchers. Further, larger and more robust studies are also under way and we look forward to providing that information as it becomes available.
  • Please use these studies to aid in determining your aim and indications for Dynamic Taping. They are not meant to be prescriptive. Not every female volleyballer with patella tendinopathy needs to be taped at the hip. They might not exhibit increased high frontal plane knee projection angle or it might not be a contributor to their presentation. Remember, when treating patients, it is always n = 1. A group effect from a research paper might not apply to your athlete or patient. The research must be combined with patient specific factors, situation specific factors and clinical expertise of the practitioner (Sackett, 1996).

If you are looking to conduct research specific to Dynamic Taping, please contact us as we are happy to discuss research methodology or provide insights into various applications based on our clinical experience.

Dynamic Tape Global Combo Black Tattoo 3" and 2"
case study

*The information provided above is drawn from a large body of background and Dynamic Taping, and attempts to show how that is integrated into Dynamic Taping practice. Results are heavily dependent on appropriate use and correct application. Clinical trials have not been conducted to validate the efficacy of Dynamic Taping for all conditions.